Wednesday 11 May 2016


Jennifer Lopez has just released a new music video that has fans around the world dancing with joy. The video for “Ain’t your Mama,” was released in Australia on Saturday May 7th, and took the voice of women all over the world, focusing on womens fight for independence. 

The video starts with a recording of Hilary Clinton’s speech “human rights are womens rights”, and has this recurring theme throughout the video, as it centres around J-Lo dressed in clothing from various era’s including the 50’s, 70’s, 80’s and of course modern day. This is to convey the eras of which women were not granted the liberty afforded to men, and hence we view the current as a time that is greatly revolutionary. 

It has gained the attention of many celebrities including that of Hillary Clinton herself stating “Thanks for this. Women are so much more that the roles they have been assigned to.” J-Lo’s global superstar status, makes her the perfect fit to advocate for the freedom of women.

Of course, the video is done in true J-Lo fashion so the video is not complete with out a big dance break down.  

Check out the video here: 


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